
Ecological economics can help us build a better world

The symphony of God's creation is the steady beat of sacred hearts

New science on ecological justice demands united response from US Catholics

A reminder for 2023 grads: The bad is loud, but the good is pervasive

Faith groups to G7 leaders: Peace requires a fossil fuel treaty

'Love Your Mother' features 50 women changemakers for climate justice

Willow drilling project in Alaska on thin ice, and other ironies of Biden's most recent broken climate promise

Climate change is causing 'trouble in paradise' for the Pacific Island Nations

The Doctrine of Discovery still rules today. Catholics can help turn the page.

Earth Day is a day of fear and hope

A buffalo skull behind the altar harkens back to the Horn of Salvation

Anti-nuclear movement is international, intergenerational, more urgent than ever

Why climate grief is an essential for climate action

Our eco-memories, and those of Jesus, connect us with creation and community

Fast or feast: Meatless meals can provide what you — and the world — need

Ugandan activist Vanessa Nakate on what Pope Francis has given to climate change fight

Joking about climate change isn't funny anymore

After the shock of winter, an instinct to survive

In Vermont parishes I rediscovered the power of Moses' horns and an ox's sacrifice

Finding spirituality on Earth's 'most secular' continent
