Soul Seeing

Grace, human nature and my three homes

'Please ... forgive us': the story of my return to the church

Care for those in need, don't worry about 'credit'

The March for Our Lives changed me

Brace yourself: Here is the secret of happiness

Confessions of an 'in-between' Catholic

Shakespeare for your spiritual direction

Know what your duty is, do it without hesitation

The sacrament of touch

For a short while, we were Jackson's family

What I am praying when I say the Lord's Prayer

An 86-year-old priest's 10 resolutions for the New Year

The important thing is to keep planting and not give up

Life is headed somewhere good this Advent

The good that rises when the bottom falls out of life

I know there will always be kindness

I won't pray the rosary the same way again

'Offer it up,' tee off, but don't tell anybody

My parents opened the door to the unmerited gift of grace

Construct no walls around ‘sacred space’
