Soul Seeing

Aren't we all like Freddie Mercury?

On life's journey, you may entertain angels

5 takeaways from God's unfolding story of love

I want to be touched by you

Learning to see with different eyes

Meditation: Am I doing it right?

Bring your Christmas lantern into the new year

The greatest Jesus movie never made

The sacramentality of silliness

Falling deeper into God

How am I supposed to understand all this pain and death?

Learning to live with absence

Sacred art opens the eye of the beholder

Spirituality in our 90s: Beholding life evolving in each other and our world

A healthy walk is an occasion for soul seeing

God hides like a 2-year-old

Forgiveness reflects the depth of our connection with God

Carry your cross through a blanket of fog

We are all connected by the truth of our vulnerability

Growing through a season of diminishment
