Francis, the comic strip

Don't be afraid to ask for things from God in prayer, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Pope's quotes: God's love is boundless

A life built on trust in God is built on solid ground, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Prayer is a constant learning experience, pope says

At Advent, make peace, not war, pope says at morning Mass

Francis, the comic strip

Advent is time of vigilance and prayer, pope says

Pope's quotes: Many slaves

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: Idolatry empties lives, ruins hearts, which only Christ can revive

Francis, the comic strip

Kingdom based on love, not power, brings true peace, pope says

Pope's quotes: Division is a weapon

Francis, the comic strip

People must confront their evil desires, beg God for mercy, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Helping the poor is not a papal fad, but a duty, pope says

Pope's quotes: The world watches
