Francis, the comic strip

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: Prayer is a humble dialogue, not a magic wand

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: Say 'yes' to the Holy Spirit, 'no' to divisive ideologies

Francis, the comic strip

Francis, the comic strip

Francis, the comic strip

Pope, at audience with public present, talks about the power of prayer

Francis, the comic strip

Pope prays emergency workers in India find strength to persevere

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: One act of pure love is greatest miracle Christians can perform

Francis, the comic strip

At rosary, pope prays resources move from military to pandemic prevention

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: Christian meditation is path to meeting Christ

Pray, be poor, be close to the people, pope tells new priests

Pope celebrates name day at Vatican vaccination clinic

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: Prayers said aloud lead the way to God
