Vatican News

Vietnam approves resident papal representative marking improved relations

Vatican officials meet German bishops to continue dialogue on Synodal Path

Vatican abuse investigators begin their audit of secretive Peru-based Catholic society

Vatican prosecutor seeks 7 years in jail for cardinal, confiscation of $460 million from 10 people

Open yourself to God, pope tells marginalized youth ahead of WYD

Pope to young people: To tackle life's ups and downs, look to the elderly

Jesuits confirm expulsion of priest artist Rupnik

Vatican prosecutor accuses Cardinal Becciu of orchestrating failed investment

Repatriating Ukrainian children topped papal envoy's agenda with Biden

Prosecutor cites risky investments as 'grave' violations, in closing of Vatican financial case

Pope visits summer camp for kids of Vatican employees

Pope Benedict's ex-secretary Archbishop Ganswein won't get a job in Germany

Cardinal says the pope's visit to Mongolia's tiny Catholic community will show his dedication

The pope's Ukraine peace envoy heads to Washington with the plight of children top of his agenda

Pope recognizes China's unilateral appointment of Shanghai bishop, three months after the fact

New Vatican doctrinal chief Cardinal Fernández defends book he wrote about kissing

Pope: No one can be indifferent to 'silent massacres' of migrant

New Vatican doctrinal chief admits mistakes in handling abuse allegations against priest

Pope Francis names 21 new cardinals, including Vatican's ambassador to US

Pope Francis' trip to Mongolia in September will be closely watched by Russia and China
