Vatican News

'Process is key': Sisters respond to document from synod's first session

Abuse victim asks pope to hear 'adults who were wronged,' show 'the way' in Rupnik case

Pope presses theologians to be in tune with challenges of daily life and talk with non-believers

Learn about the lives of saints, be moved by their examples, pope says

'Your prayer gives me strength,' pope says, asking for prayers in November

Violence in Holy Land shows need to support local Christians, cardinal says

Exclusive: On gay Catholics, synod ensured 'nothing is closed,' says African Jesuit

Pope Francis calls for a cease-fire in Israeli-Hamas war

Exclusive: Cardinals Cupich, McElroy say 'impossible to go back' to synods without lay voters

Pope Francis closes synod with 'dream' of a church with open doors

Pope's major Vatican summit ends without action on women deacons, mention of LGBTQ Catholics

Pope Francis prays for a world in 'a dark hour' and danger from 'folly' of war

As Rupnik investigation reopens, debate continues over use of his art

Role of bishop is best expressed by being among his people, Dominican says

Synod process shows church still working to make the ideal real when including people with disabilities

Pope orders Vatican to reopen case of priest ousted from Jesuits after claims of adult abuse

US synod delegate receives papal permission slip to cut class

Synodality benefits from and increases ecumenical ties, participants say

Papal commission reaches out to Fr. Rupnik's known victims

Former Jesuit Rupnik, accused of abusing women, welcomed into Slovenia diocese
