Book Reviews

Author invites us to irreligious realm

Women are fully human agents of social, political change

New perspectives offered on nuances of St. Paul

'Future Corpses' reminds us: Death isn't an 'if'

'Honest Rituals' argues for sacrament update

Duplicity, hypocrisy of the prelates exposed in Martel's 'Closet' book

Books explore Merton the writer, Religion 101 and Antarctic ice

Hartke's book teaches about gifts of transgender Christians

Francis, friends share Wisdom of Time with youth

Author suggests the point of religion is to admit not knowing

Mentors of an American Gandhi

Contemplation reveals our grounding in God

Book explores how poetry scratches at the door of transcendence

In the face of Trumpism, Jon Meacham maintains belief in our national soul

The answer to suffering is justice

Journalist Seymour Hersh's memoir chronicles his lifelong calling

James Cone's memoir recounts journey as pioneer in black theology

While the mask remains, memoir serves as coda for James Cone's career

Catholics live in age of interpretive autonomy

Three women's memoirs chronicle arduous, lifelong odysseys
