
Why an Iowa farmer sees faith, agriculture as climate solutions

EarthBeat Weekly: Solidarity key to addressing both the climate crisis and the pandemic

Forest loss drives viruses as well as climate change, indigenous leaders warn

EarthBeat Weekly: Going to school on coronavirus

After 175 years, Monroe IHMs going strong and teaching green

How does coronavirus connect to climate change?

EarthBeat Weekly: Meet the author of our Lenten Daily Food Reflections

May or June: When's the anniversary of Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si'?

Francis issues 'urgent call' with plans for fifth anniversary of Laudato Si'

EarthBeat Weekly: A new idea for Lent

Activists killed in Mexican state where illegal logging threatens butterflies

EarthBeat Weekly: Taking the pope at his word

Beloved Amazonia: a love letter for the conversion of hearts

Francis gets the science and beauty of the Amazon but falls short on action to save it

In 'Querida Amazonia,' Francis defends vital ecosystem with stern indictment of its defilers

Glenmary Father John Rausch, advocate for Appalachian people, dies at 75

EarthBeat Weekly: Catholics, climate and the choice for president

Georgetown University commits to full divestment from fossil fuels within a decade

From young evangelicals to National Prayer Breakfast: An urgent call on climate change

Tom Steyer and preaching the environmental gospel on the campaign trail
