NCR Voices

Easter prioritizes grace, life and universality

The resurrection of Jesus is decisive, for the first disciples and for us

On Good Friday, let us tremble before the cross

The vindictive, unstable Trump should never be given power again

The non-politics of March Madness

Wisconsin Supreme Court makes bad law in religious liberty case

Democrats shouldn't overplay their hand at abortion

Pope Francis turns synod toward issues of process, away from hot potatoes

Cardinal Gregory tills roots of Pope Francis' teaching in 'Gaudium et spes'

Our wonderful pope is horribly wrong about Ukraine

Citing FDR, Biden's State of the Union captured the stakes for democracy

Attack on pope puts old whine into old whineskins

A case for returning to movie theaters in the age of streaming

Supreme Court made the right call by leaving Trump on the ballot

Did you get your eucharistic revival swag yet?

Reporting on Michigan results in Democratic primary reveals media bias

In Alabama and Texas, 2 cases explicitly demonstrate US church-state conflicts

Bipartisanship is dead; can it be resurrected?

Get back to the basics of Lent with Anglican theologian Esau McCaulley

How to vault Catholic social teaching from 'best kept secret' category
