
Easter Sunday: Recognizing Jesus

Our Lenten journey culminates in the vigil's powerful catechesis

Be servants to one another, pope tells prisoners before washing feet

Pope to priests: Best place to be is among the people

Not too tidy: joy and holiness

The sacred triduum's symbols are sacraments that point to what is real

Holy Thursday's mandate

Via Crucis on US streets: Faithful accompany Jesus in his suffering

We gather on this night

Notre Dame: May lamentations lead to alleluias

Notre Dame, long a symbol of Catholicism in Europe, becomes a picture of its collapse

German theologians blast Benedict's letter as 'failed and improper' account of abuse crisis

Enactment, choice and promise

Like Paul, I was knocked off my horse and blinded

Church's foremothers proclaim Jesus from beyond the grave

Dancing with the stars

The Triduum takes us to the heart of God's saving work in us

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday: Among the crowd

Your thoughts on Holy Spirit atheism and armchair theologians
