
Franz Jägerstätter, conscientious objector, martyred 75 years ago today

To follow Jesus, we must become vulnerable

Links for 8/9/18

My task is to point my grandson ever on to the Good Shepherd

Francis, the comic strip

Trump's attacks on the press empower would-be dictators

How to read Pennsylvania's grand jury report on clergy sexual abuse

Morning Briefing

Trump's new script makes case for 'collusion'

Morning Briefing

Pope Francis pushes Catholics to actively oppose the death penalty

Francis, the comic strip

Links for 8/7/18

To combat racism, we must learn about white fragility

Morning Briefing

With McCarrick scandal, #MeToo arrives for the church

With death penalty change, Francis builds on John Paul II's teaching

Morning Briefing

Cameli shows that 'Amoris Laetitia' revolutionizes through formation

Let this sink in: We've already used up a year's worth of Earth's resources
