
Pope Francis uses Christmas Day message to plead for equitable access to vaccines

Pope Francis at Christmas: God's love is offended by indifference towards the poor

Pope Francis pleads for humility in pre-Christmas speech to Vatican officials

Francis, the comic strip

Pope Francis accepts resignation of Cardinal Turkson as head of Vatican's peace and justice office

COVID-19 is causing a 'parallel pandemic' for kids, Vatican says

COVID-19 vaccines present 'no ethical problem,' says head of papal academy

Plans move forward for 2022 pope, Russian patriarch meeting

Jesus' humble birth a reminder of God's love for humanity, pope says

US bishops should help Latin Massgoers understand purpose of Francis' new restrictions

Despite setbacks, Vatican editorial defends trial procedures

Pope Francis in 2022 peace message: spend more on education, less on weapons

Vatican’s Cardinal Turkson says he offered to resign at end of his term

Pope: Eat, give gifts, be 'merry' this Christmas, but don't forget Jesus

Pope to kids: Jesus loves you, wants you to love others

Pope Francis approves further restrictions on Latin Mass to ensure adherence to Vatican II

Boston's Cardinal O'Malley defends Francis against attacks from EWTN critics

Solidarity, dialogue needed to confront pandemic, pope says

Pope Francis spends 85th birthday greeting new refugee arrivals to Italy

Dialogue group calls for Catholic recognition of Anglican ordinations
