
Pope Francis on gay Catholics: God 'does not disown any of his children'

Jesus invites people to hear him, know him, follow him, pope says

Liturgy must lead to awe, unity, mission, pope says

To stop Russian manipulation, Francis must make Vatican's stand on Ukraine clear

Cardinal reaffirms pope's willingness to go to Moscow to try to stop war

At Vatican trial, Cardinal Becciu returns to testify

Vatican exonerates Cardinal Woelki in financial investigation

Use of nuclear weapons 'inconceivable,' pope tells Japanese official

Elderly must set example of faith for young people, pope says

Like Mary, take risks to build better world, pope tells young people

Pope Francis says he has asked to meet Putin in Moscow

Vatican removes Ohio priest from ministry after abuse allegations

Ideology obstructs beauty of family, pope says

Pope warns of trust loss without more abuse accountability

Pope praises Papal Foundation's generosity, including to Ukraine

Pope, Council of Cardinals meet, discuss war in Ukraine

Vatican trial places pope, top aide at center of London deal

Vatican official visits Mexico to mark 30 years of diplomatic ties

Hope and joy reawaken when old and young come together, pope says

Good or bad nations do not exist since wickedness is everywhere, pope says
