
Nothing can diminish the value of any human being, pope says

Health care is a universal right, not a luxury, pope says

Pope announces ecumenical prayer before synod assembly in October

New testimony at Vatican financial trial details intrigue over key witness's deposition

U.S. religious liberty expert 'disappointed' in Vatican-China deal

Papal condemnations of nuclear war 'indispensable,' says U.N. official

Pope to confer ministries of lector, catechist at Mass Jan. 22

'Catastrophe': Cardinal Pell's secret memo blasts Francis

Francis, the comic strip

Evangelization is the 'oxygen' of Christian life, pope says

Exclusive: Vatican must treat abuse victims better, pope's lead investigator says

Australian Cardinal Pell, whose convictions were overturned, dies at 81

Italy's far-right prime minister makes first state visit to Pope Francis

Francis, the comic strip

Pope baptizes babies, urges parents to teach them to pray

Peace requires a 'defense of life,' pope tells ambassadors

Pope denounces Iran death penalty following protests

After Benedict's funeral, publisher releases book by late pope's secretary

Pope reorganizes Rome vicariate to be more collegial, accountable

Biden visits Vatican embassy to pay respects to Benedict XVI
