
Francis, the comic strip

Cardinal O'Malley: Papal abuse commission shifting to 'impact-focused' direction

Pope to safeguarding commission: Be kind, bring hope, heal broken lives

Catholic universities must be missionary in spirit, pope says

Coronation a historic ecumenical moment for British seminarians in Rome

World Youth Day prep advice from pope: Speak to your grandparents

Dialogue requires sincerity, respect, pope tells Christian, Muslim leaders

Pope's abuse commission meets amid turmoil, facing calls for greater transparency

Francis, the comic strip

Christians must nurture roots of faith and build bridges, pope says

After praying for peace in Ukraine, pope greets Russian Orthodox official

World Youth Day helps inspire young people to serve others, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Pope Francis says he is working behind the scenes in Hungary to bring peace in Ukraine

Pope departs Hungary pleading for peace in Ukraine, warning against isolationism

Francis meets with Ukrainian refugees in Hungary, urges support for non-Christians

Pope Francis in Orbán's Hungary: Christians must accept refugees

Pope, Council of Cardinals look at church peacemaking efforts

Visiting Vatican, Ukrainian leader asks pope's help in returning children from Russia

Francis, the comic strip
