
Francis, the comic strip

Francis backs down in dispute with Nigerian priests, accepts bishop's resignation

Francis renews abuse commission but does not reappoint six members

Vatican calls March pre-synod meeting chance to speak with, not about, young people

Pope's quotes: A prophetic way

Vatican denies report Pope Benedict has degenerative disease

Francis allows Vatican bishops to serve past age 75 in new 'motu proprio'

Pope Francis says he meets almost weekly with abuse victims

Francis, the comic strip

La Civilta Cattolica editor describes pope's 'diplomacy of mercy'

People have right to receive God's word, so preach it well, pope says

Australian embassy commemorates first woman to hold Vatican leadership post

Pope, Melkite patriarch formalize full communion

Guam archbishop under investigation greets pope at general audience

Francis, the comic strip

Clients of prostitution are promoting human trafficking, pope says

Cupich says 'Amoris Laetitia' changes how church teaches families, by learning

Francis challenges anti-human trafficking alliance to examine society's complicity

Pope's quotes: We are so busy

No paradigm shifts, Weigel says -- but church history is full of them
