
Top Vatican diplomat: Christian unity essential for peacemaking

Pope asks theologians to help 'de-masculinize' the church

Pope Francis says he has acute bronchitis, canceled travel to avoid temperature changes

Francis, the comic strip

Ailing Pope Francis holds weekly audience, but aide reads his remarks

Pope: Places, mentalities must be more receptive to people with disabilities

Pope Francis cancels trip to Dubai for UN climate conference

Pope Francis to remove Cardinal Burke's Vatican apartment and salary, sources say

Despite health issues, Pope Francis to travel this week to UN climate summit

Francis, the comic strip

Media must show, promote respect for human dignity, pope says

Pope Francis getting antibiotics intravenously for lung problem, limiting appointments, Vatican says

Francis, the comic strip

God calls some to bring his love, Gospel to everyone, pope says

Pope Francis meets at Vatican with relatives of Israeli hostages, Palestinians living in Gaza

Pope sees threat of church in Germany moving away from Rome

Pope: Contemplate greatness of God's love in simplicity of a crèche

Acting to end abuse is 'non-negotiable,' pope says

Francis, the comic strip

For this group of trans women, the pope and his message of inclusivity are a welcome change
