
Pope invites Anglican woman bishop to Council of Cardinals meeting

Francis, the comic strip

Changing words in sacraments can make them invalid, Vatican's doctrinal office warns

Pope reaffirms Christians' special relationship with Jews amid rising antisemitism, Gaza war

Pope: Christians must rekindle hope in fighting today's forms of slavery

Francis, the comic strip

Pope Francis announces 3 Chinese bishops in a week, in sign controversial Vatican deal is working

Vatican clarifies handling of cases of abuse of 'vulnerable adults'

Francis, the comic strip

Exclusive: Vatican's abuse expert says ending priestly celibacy could prevent a 'double life'

Pope Francis says purpose of gay blessings decree 'to include, not divide'

Pope calls for global cease-fire; says humanity is on brink of abyss

Blessings are signs of church's closeness, pope says

Love is the only path to Christian unity, pope says

Vatican rules against former auditor general in wrongful termination case

Rome celebrates Christian unity week with joint prayers, and a woman preaching

Francis, the comic strip

Vatican lays out procedure, protections for whistleblowers

Vatican appeals court finds priest guilty of 'corrupting a minor'

Pope says Holocaust Remembrance Day reminds world that war can never be justified
