
Russia's Catholics recall their 'gulag martyrs' 100 years after Lenin's revolution

Gregory Baum, influential theologian of Vatican II era, dies at 94

Campus Notebook: Dual-degree partnerships; protesting racism at Boston College

Philippine House fails to renew license of bishops' radio network

New Mexico judge orders release of clergy sex abuse records

Sex, gender, religion: Scholars discuss possible 'reformation'

NCR Podcast: A conversation on sexuality, gender and the Catholic Church

Rockville Centre Diocese to implement compensation program

Cross honoring soldiers who died in World War I deemed unconstitutional

Nominees announced for US bishops' conference leadership roles

Pope names Bishop Joseph Siegel to lead Diocese of Evansville

Keep 'Dream Act' free of strings, activists say about childhood immigrants

Methodist experience in closing congregations offers lessons to Catholics

Prayer as both gift and task

Italian priest kidnapped in Nigeria freed

Federal judge in Hawaii blocks Trump's new expanded travel ban

Contraception mandate: women's health or religious liberty issue?

Parish roundup: California wildfire crisis; helping stranded Puerto Ricans

Senate confirms Callista Gingrich as U.S. ambassador to the Holy See

Justice Action Bulletin: World Food Prize protest; Prophetic Resistance Project; honoring Andrew Young
