
Asia Bibi free to leave Pakistan after court dismisses challenge to her acquittal

Carbon Dividend Act gets support from head of bishops' justice office

Priest who was former national Renew leader and beloved pastor dies

Myanmar cardinal says China-funded dam project must be stopped

Accused priest resigns from Vatican's doctrinal congregation

Like Mary, some youth today don't get to be children

Some call for N.Y. governor to be excommunicated for supporting abortion

In statement, Philippine bishops break silence on 'disturbing issues'

House members introduce bipartisan measure to ban abortions at 20 weeks

Church leaders call Philippine church attack 'heinous and evil' terrorism

As Muslim extremism nosedives, researchers question law enforcement's focus

Francis downplays expectations for February abuse summit

Catholic abuse scandal galvanizes Mount Angel seminarians' resolve

Pope calls for peace in Venezuela, denounces Philippine church bombing

Next World Youth Day to be held in Portugal

Like Mary, be 'influencers' for God, pope urges at World Youth Day vigil

Young woman raises issue of clergy abuse at lunch with Francis

Hope wanes in church wounded by sin, pope tells Panama clergy, laity

Cupich to pilgrims: Keep Mary in mind when facing life's fears

Pope names theology professor to succeed cardinal in Lima
