
Younger bishops ready to take action after Vatican summit on sex abuse

Indiana parish opens 'Blessing Box' as a gift to people in need

Vatican embassy confirms complaint of sexual misconduct against ex-nuncio

United Methodists pass Traditional Plan, keep ban on LGBTQ clergy, same-sex marriage

Southern Baptist executive group urges caution before investigating church abuse

Death penalty a 'grave' violation of human right to life, pope says

Iowa bishop issues list on abuse 'with heavy heart,' says transparency is key

Major media figure admits to plagiarism, resigns university post

Vatican announces canonical investigation of Cardinal Pell

Cardinal Pell jailed in Australia ahead of March 13 sentencing

Woman claims abuse, sues Franciscans, Buffalo Diocese for $300 million

Parish roundup: Night to Shine; Christian-Muslim chat; diocese offers app

Reaction of conservative Catholics to abuse summit reveals a lot

Exclusive: Cupich, Scicluna say Vatican should give reasons when a bishop is sacked

Rwandan refugee advocates for education

Canberra church examines how Archbishop Coleridge handled abuse claims

Bishops told transparency needed to overcome clergy abuse crisis

Eyeing Amazon synod, Brazil accuses church of 'leftist agenda'

Church advocates: Latin Americans understand God's presence in nature

United Methodist committee rejects One Church Plan, which would allow LGBT clergy
