The challenge of stuff: How 'spring cleaning' here creates environmental harm there
… or suit me. The corners soon amass a menagerie of stuff: too-small clothes, neglected pans, plastic skin-care containers and miscellaneous trinkets. Every time I gather items to declutter, … e-waste in 2022, with the average person in the U.S. generating 46 pounds. Even our diligent plastic recycling creates problems elsewhere. The United States exports a significant amount of plastic waste overseas — approximately 915 million pounds in 2024, according to the Basel Action …
US Holy Year pilgrims add pope to their list of prayer intentions
… St. Agnes School in St. Paul, Minnesota, and several others, filling all the pews and many plastic chairs as well. Pittsburgh Auxiliary Bishop Mark Eckman gave the homily at the Mass, …
'Stone Yard Devotional' sets forgiveness, empathy and death in an Australian convent
… and consume until they have nothing else to cannibalize but each other: they eat through plastic and wood — and then gnaw each other's faces. Mice, in their destructiveness, waste …
Let them eat King Cake, but not the baby!
… out from ribbons of icing and colored sprinkles. Then, someone excitedly waved around a tiny plastic baby plucked from their slice. Even though I didn’t have any previous knowledge of King … represents our connectedness as a church and community. Hidden inside the cake is a small plastic baby. If the baby is found in your slice of cake, you are then crowned king or queen for …
Maximilian Kolbe: A reporter's best asset
… my editor and a prayer card I gave to our boss. Today, my scapular is safely tucked inside the plastic slip that carries my press badge, alongside a medallion of St. Peregrine, the patron …
Trump administration plows on ahead, releasing anarchy upon the world
… that the U.S. government controlled 90% of the media in Ukraine. The president's fixation on plastic straws checked the bizarre box. Words matter in international relations and domestically, …
Trump's attack on paper straws is mostly symbolic — but the plastics industry is celebrating
… use” of them, immediately undoes part of a Biden-era initiative to eliminate single-use plastics, including straws, in all government operations by 2035. More broadly, Trump instructed … days. The strategy would aim to eliminate all executive branch policies “designed to disfavor plastic straws” and address the federal government’s contracts with states and and other entities …
Sisters share what their communities do to combat human trafficking
… everyone sees has become too ordinary; few observe, and even fewer respond. School dropouts, plastic pickers, tractor loaders—young girls bought and sold—are lost in this cycle of …
'Grim but not hopeless': Catholics reflect as 2024 is hottest year on record
… record heat along with piecemeal developments at U.N. summits on climate , biodiversity and plastic pollution . He noted Donald Trump's election and his pledges to ramp up oil and gas … Catholic Climate Covenant; participate in boycotts; start community organizations to eliminate plastic use; and raise awareness about what's happening to the Earth. Even a small group meeting …
Your letters: Plastic production, Stowe's blessing and McElroy's appointment
… columns and theological essays with letters that have been edited for length and clarity. Plastic production key issue My thanks to Earthbeat reporter Brian Roewe for his informative, concise account of the as of yet failed worldwide negotiations on our plastics problem (Earthbeat, Dec. 5, 2024 ). I am especially grateful for his separating the …
When you want to call it quits, find hope for creation in your own small actions
… its bondage to decay. I see the Earth's shores littered with the wastes of our consumer lives: plastic bottles, cups and other containers; discarded clothes; piles of electronic trash; dying … countries where we can't see it? Recycling is not solving the problem. Only about 10% of the plastic we use is ever recycled. Yet, we keep manufacturing it and using it for multiple … our community on environmentally friendly products and produce, the need for alternatives to plastic use and fossil fuels, the importance of biodiversity in our environment, and integral …
Revisiting EarthBeat's top and most-read news of 2024
… at a pivotal juncture for the planet. … Mixed international progress on biodiversity, climate, plastic pollution … The climate talks in Baku, Azerbaijan , were one of several major … nations convened in late November aiming to finalize the first-ever global treaty to reduce plastic pollution . The biodiversity summit made some progress . The climate negotiations set a new finance target to support developing countries. And the plastic treaty talks punted a final deal to 2025 . In each case, Catholic officials were on the …
A solemn Christmas in Asheville, three months after Hurricane Helene
… The tankers lay to my right, but also surrounding me were mounds of debris, shredded pieces of plastic covering trees on the riverbank, piles of uncoiled wire weaving in and out of snapped …
In Vietnam, Christmas crèches deck the halls in environmental awareness
… streets and visit churches on Christmas Eve to celebrate. Catholics decorate their homes with plastic Christmas trees, Nativity scenes, lanterns, stars and other festive ornaments. Our Lady …
For Boston College public health expert, a treaty on plastics is a matter of morality
… in Busan, South Korea, for the expected final round of negotiations on a treaty addressing plastic pollution, Boston College held a conference of its own on the topic. "The purpose of this conference is to look at the global plastics crisis through the lens of ethics and morality," Dr. Philip Landrigan, director of the … harms is an almost exponential and still accelerating increase in global plastic production. Plastics' harms are further magnified by low rates of recovery and recycling and by the long …
Resolve remains for global plastic pollution treaty after talks fall short
… Brian Roewe … Days after talks on a new international treaty to curb plastic pollution collapsed, Sr. Patty Johnson was nonetheless feeling hopeful. Johnson was in … the fifth — and expected final — round of United Nations negotiations for a global deal on plastics. In her time there, she attended plenary sessions, reviewed draft texts and conversed …
Pope Francis' eco-village to promote ecological conversion at 2025 Jubilee
… to recycle water. Organizers are working to make all intra-garden transport electric. Plastic is banned within the garden. The goal of the project "is to share with as many people as …
Illinois man who is champion of rivers, trees to receive Pacem in Terris interfaith award
… is all recycled." Living Lands & Waters' crew and volunteers have pulled millions of pounds of plastics from America's rivers. Finding a facility to process the large, bulky, rigid plastics for recycling was a huge challenge. That reality and the discovery that 43% of all … Current Solutions. The certified women-owned and managed business manufactures 100% recycled plastic pallets. Father Ken Kuntz, former diocesan administrator of the Davenport Diocese, wrote …
Fast fashion may seem cheap, but it's taking a costly toll on the planet
… the harm … About 60% of fast-fashion items are made from synthetic textiles derived from plastics and chemicals that start their life as fossil fuels. When this synthetic clothing is …
Dying in the desert: A desert search for deceased migrants leads me to love
… can be confused with glistening white stones or animal bones. Soon, I spotted the telltale plastic bottles, emptied of water or electrolytes, strewn across the desert floor, the human …