Laudato Si' Commission calls Jesuit higher education to climate action
… at Loyola University Chicago July 16-19. To live the UAPs more faithfully, the association's Laudato Si' Commission, of which I am part, called each Jesuit school to make and fund science-based …
Catholics should confront AI's environmental costs
… leaders and even students , captivation does not imply wisdom. As Francis observed in Laudato Si' , "We cannot claim to have a sound ethics, a culture and spirituality genuinely capable of …
Taste and see the goodness of creation: Contemplating with the senses
… Eucharist is a cosmic event, made more present when praying with the senses. As written in Laudato Si’ , "the Eucharist joins heaven and earth." As many in our church gather this week as part of …
Activists: Without more moves toward sustainable future, extreme temps may be here to stay
… and images of the heatwave's effects. She is North American senior program manager for the Laudato Si' Movement, a global network of over 900 Catholic organizations and over 10,000 trained …
Reporter's Inbox: The bishop of Tucson gets an electrical vehicle — reactions are mixed
… cost savings on fuel and maintenance, of course, but my real interest is the zero emissions. Laudato Si' is an inspiration on so many levels; this EV is a way I can personally and spiritually care …
The UN Loss and Damage Fund is a preferential option for the poor
… and the new board of this fund should build on these lessons, and take them to scale. In Laudato Si' , Pope Francis draws out beautifully the connection between the Catholic faith and values of …
The Holy See could be a bridge for UN climate negotiations
… participate. This approach by the Holy See is refreshing and rooted in Catholic teaching. In Laudato Si' , Pope Francis calls for a "new dialogue" in shaping our collective future, away from …
At the Holy See and in households, fossil fuels are a climate change scapegoat
… who take Scripture seriously and who appreciate the words and spirit of such documents as Laudato Si' . The beauty of the church's teaching on justice and equity, ecology and economics, is that …
2024 Awards
… Service … First Place Vatican's Venice Biennale Exhibit Serves as a Laboratory for Putting Laudato Si' in Action Christopher White Judges comments: Outstanding writing anchors this feature by …
Contemplate creation with breath and body as a path of ecological conversion
… nature is part of this practice, we cannot forget that we, too, are creation. Once after a Laudato Si' Retreat I gave in New York City, a participant (a kind theology professor) reminded me that …
'We are not saved alone': Catholic theologians engage the social dimensions of salvation
… clearly what from a Catholic perspective is obviously the case: that, as Pope Francis said in Laudato Si' : "The human person grows more, matures more and is sanctified more to the extent that he or …
I love the Catholic Church — despite what some call 'tradition'
… and LGTBQ, and not a word about the synod on synodality or Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si' . I've attended many times — but those factors and a foreboding air of unwelcome have …
NCR, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat win 43 Catholic Media Awards
… won second place for a story about how Washington, D.C., organizations have collaborated in a Laudato Si Program to plant tens of thousands of trees to increase the tree canopy. Nuri Vallbona and …
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: How storms can deepen the faith
… called "the fear of God." What Job heard from God underpins something Pope Francis wrote in "Laudato Si', on Care for Our Common Home" ( Paragraph 99 ), "From the beginning of the world, but …
This election season, vote pro-life by voting pro-creation
… climate change are matters of grave concern for the entire human family." In his encyclical Laudato Si' , Pope Francis equates our abuse of the environment to sin. The U.S. bishops themselves state …
Creation Walk at Knock Shrine weds faith and science for a prayerful woodland pilgrimage
… in the "old ridiculous trope that science and faith will never agree" to read the encyclical " Laudato Si' , on Care for Our Common Home ," in which Pope Francis "calls us to eco-conversion and to …
McElroy speaks to those on the culture war's frontlines: Catholic health care officials
… the U.S. bishops' conference has ignored, synodality is the one that can't be shunted aside. Laudato Si' was passed off to outside groups and Amoris Laetitia received no real attention from the …
Holy Family Sisters plan 22-acre community solar project in Louisiana
… his apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum , a follow-up to the encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si' , which helped set the tone of the meeting. Francis referred to their work as "atomic," …
Ahead of 2025 Jubilee, Pope Francis rallies global finance heads to back debt relief
… understood this to be the case, most evidenced by his landmark 2015 environment encyclical, Laudato Si' . "The north really owes a debt to the south because we took all of their resources, fueled …
A contemplative pause can be a radical act
… I was at Monksville Reservoir in New Jersey as part of our individual retreat day at the Laudato Si' Movement . Each month, we attempt to step outside of our usual busy rhythms or work for …