Awards 2024

2024 Catholic Media Awards

The Catholic Media Association is an organization of publishers and media professionals united to serve the Church. National Catholic Reporter, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat won 42 honors in 31 categories at the 2024 Catholic Media Awards. The awards were presented on June 21, 2024 and honor works published in 2023. 

Writer of the Year (English)

  • Second Place
    Chris Herlinger
    Judges comments: Exceptional writing that takes the reader from the front lines of war to its aftermath decades later to the opera and beyond. Keen attention to detail sustains engagement, no matter the topic. 
  • Honorable Mention
    Rhina Guidos

Best Video – Explainer, Diocesan and National News Organizations

  • First Place
    Why Pope Francis' Big Vatican Meeting Next Month is So Important
    Chaz Muth
    Judges comments: What distinguishes this entry is its simple yet compelling narrative. The production team adeptly introduces the complex idea of why Pope Francis's Vatican meeting is significant in just three minutes, effectively conveying its relevance to the audience. Supported by strong visuals and a clear, well-written script, the story has garnered over 5,000 views online. 

Best Social Media Campaign, Liturgical Seasons

  • Honorable Mention
    Creature Features
    Stephanie Clary, John Grosso and Ryan McQuade National Catholic Reporter

Best Online Content Not Published in Print – Feature

  • First Place
    Hope Amid Turmoil Coverage
    Thomas Scaria, Doreen Ajiambo, Chris Herlinger, and Patrick Egwu
    Judges comments: Exceptional. Each writer is an outstanding storyteller as well as a thorough reporter. Effective packaging of words and images provide compelling, in-depth reports that illuminate, as noted in the series title, hope amid turmoil. 

Best Website – Spanish Publication

  • First Place
    Global Sisters Report en español
    Global Sisters Report Staff
    Judges comments: This is a well-organized website with a wide range of images and articles, spanning current events, politics, pop culture, and history, with ties back to the Catholic faith. I appreciated that it not only had articles/headings in Spanish, but that it also had content specifically about and for Spanish-speaking Catholics. There was also a good mix of format style for the articles with some serving as news articles, others written as personal essays, and some combining the two by editorializing a current event, and discussing how it affected the Catholic community. 

Best National Electronic Newsletter

  • First Place
    EarthBeat Weekly
    Stephanie Clary 
    Judges comments: This newsletter boasts a solid layout, effectively managing a substantial amount of material while maintaining organization and clarity. Its depth in nuances are impressive, yet it remains impeccably organized, complete with an archive—a nice touch. The layout is strong, with abundant, but not overwhelming links, complemented by good images, graphics, and icons presented in various sizes and colors. Additional elements such as ads, social links, and preferences add a professional touch while headlines are crisp and article summaries are concise and helpful. Most notably, the newsletter presents a cohesive narrative, with text and images, seamlessly connecting in multiple pieces, contributing to larger, emerging issues. Overall, everything is exceptionally well done. 

Best Newspaper – National/ Wire Service

  • Second Place
    National Catholic Reporter
    Judges comments: Impactful reporting and strong writing that provides readers the context they need to understand complex issues. 

Best Use of Graphics – Best Original Illustration

Best Regular Column – Spiritual Life

Best Regular Column – Political Issues

Best Coverage  – Immigration

Best Coverage – Political Issues

Best Coverage – Disaster or Crises

Best Coverage – Pro-life Issues

Best Coverage – Racial Inequities

Best Coverage on Catholic Education

Best Editorial on a National or International Issue – National newspaper or Wire Service

Best Feature Writing – National Newspaper or Wire Service

Best In-Depth News/Special Reporting – National Newspaper or Wire Service

Best Investigative News Writing – National newspaper or Wire Service

Best Analysis/Background/Round-Up News Writing – The Gerard E. Sherry Award – National Newspaper or Wire Service

Best News Writing One Shot – National Event

Best News Writing One Shot – International Event

Best News Writing Series – International Event

Best Personality Profile – National newspaper or Wire Service

  • Second Place
    Cardinal Mario Grech: Central Figure in Pope's Plan to Change Catholic Church
    Christopher White
    Judges comments: This is an interesting and well written article that brings to light an issue with which most readers probably would be unfamiliar. Through the presentation of this profile I learned a lot by reading it. The article provides a compelling story about the cardinal's journey and mission that is both educational and inspiring—a great topic and subject. 

Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues – Call to Family, Community and Participation

Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues – Care for God's Creation

Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues – Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues – Solidarity

Best Story and Photo Package – By Two Individuals or More

Best Photograph – Immigration/Migration

Associated Church Press

The Associated Church Press is a professional organization "brought together by a common commitment to excellence in journalism as a means to describe, reflect, and support the life of faith and the Christian community." Three awards were given in each category: honorable mention, award of merit and award of excellence. The awards were presented on May 17, 2024 and honor works published in 2023.

National reporting (broader topic or trend) - Short Format

National reporting (broader topic or trend) - Long Format

International reporting - Long Format

News Story - Short Format (1,200 words or fewer)

News Story - Long Format (more than 1,200 words)

Award of Merit 

In-Depth Coverage (Newspaper, Newsletter, News Service, Website, or Blog)

Theme Issue, Section, or Series (Newspaper or Newsletter)

Theme Issue, Section, or Series (News Service, Website, Blog, or Social Media)

Photo Spread or Essay (Online Media)

Independent Website

  • Award of Merit 
    Global Sisters Report 
    GSR Staff & Contributors
