White House considers expanding travel ban to more countries

Most states agree to admit refugees as judge hears lawsuit to stop resettlement order

American idolatry places faith in 'chosen one' Trump

USCCB president urges world leaders to pursue dialogue, seek peace

We stand at the brink of war, and no one is exactly sure why

New year, new decade and a new chance for church renewal

Morality of drone warfare questioned after attack on Iranian general

Your thoughts on NCR's 2019 Newsmaker of the Year

Five stabbed at Hanukkah celebration in latest attack on Jews

Catholics offer lots of advocacy, get few results on Capitol Hill

Your thoughts on synod listening sessions, Trump's deadly sins, elusive unity in Portland parish

We are living in an 'in between' time politically

Links for 12/24/19

Evangelical tussling over anti-Trump editorial escalates

Democratic candidate race still fluid, but any would be better than Trump

Trump blasts Christian magazine that called for his removal

NCR's 2019 newsmaker of the year: Nancy Pelosi

As impeachment looms, evangelicals defend Trump but pass on debating the issues

Religious freedom watchdog, facing recent controversy, awaits reauthorization

Drawing facile US lessons from UK election ignores our differences
