Your thoughts on invalid formula for baptisms

Educational alliance needed to overcome inequality, division, pope says

How to make our politics better: Pray first, says a Jesuit guide

Editorial: Let's not return to policing theologians

Pope, Council of Cardinals meet online to discuss Curia reform

Prayer, crying out to God is only source of salvation, pope says

Vatican updates transparency laws to strengthen financial management

Woman close to Vatican cardinal arrested in corruption probe

Vatican trial for sex abuse in pope's youth seminary opens

Down-ballot races are just as important for common good as presidential race

Bishop laments questioning of Biden's faith due to abortion policies

Links for 10/13/20

4 Swiss Guards test positive as COVID-19 resurfaces at Vatican

Mexican president asks Pope Francis for conquest apology

Pope: Time is running out to fix economy, protect the Earth, help the poor

Catholic activists praise pope's move away from just war theory

EarthBeat Weekly: Church awareness of Amazon destruction increasing, but still not enough, indigenous leaders say

Catholic Church must reject its anti-Black misogyny

Your thoughts on Catholics for Trump, bishops on Twitter, Pell's historic trial and more

Impeded by pandemic crisis, dreams and goals of Amazon synod endure
