Links for 11/14/19

Bishops hear that third-party reporting system may start in February

U.S. bishops' conference clearly divided between Team Francis, culture warriors

Bespoke silk robes await Pope Francis on Thailand visit

Hope for creation never runs dry

US bishops: Consensus by bromides

Papal nuncio to US bishops: "Reflect prayerfully" on communion with pope's teachings

Economy lacking ethics leads to 'throwaway' culture, pope says

Papal biographer: US bishops' original plan against abuse was PR ploy

Pope's quotes: Honesty of sport

The question behind the synod: How can and should change happen in the church?

The Amazon synod is about the concept of social sin, not married priests

'Rehumanize' conference explores exits from violent systems

Pope's quotes: Edges of society

Four factors driving pace, scale of climate action in U.S. dioceses

Your thoughts on imagining God, cardinal leadership, climate change and more

St. John Henry Newman would approve of synod's final document

Upcoming bishops' meeting reflects current state of US church

Amazon synod calls for married priests, pope to reopen women deacons commission

Pope Francis apologizes 'as bishop of Rome' for vandalism of indigenous statues
