French order, acknowledging abuse by founder, clarifies pope's remarks

Does God want religious diversity? Abu Dhabi text raises questions

Links for 2/7/19

Your thoughts on bad priests, an NCR columnist, clericalism and more

Vatican abuse summit will underline need to end cover-ups, official says

Links for 1/3/19

Vietnam, Vatican agree to upgrade diplomatic relations in near future

Links for 12/18/18

So, what are 'deep-seated homosexual tendencies' anyway?

It's time for a grand compromise on religious freedom and contraceptives

Weigel sustains intellectual whiplash under Francis' pontificate

Amateur hour at the bishops' conference

Links for 11/6/18

Viganò's third screed unintentionally reveals his true motives

Viganò: Vatican rebuke proved truth of McCarrick cover-up

Lawsuit against Vatican seeks names of over 3,400 abuse perpetrators

Poll: Pope's favorability numbers down, and worse for handling of abuse

Four challenges for the bishops at synod on young people

Former nuncio claims Vatican official has evidence of cover-up

Vatican must keep up its clear, inspiring leadership in climate crisis
