September 2, 2015
Some stories you shouldn't miss on NCRonline today:
- Francis announces wide indulgences for mercy of Jubilee
- Contemplate, give thanks, protect: Pope Francis prays for creation
- The Trail of History: Limited housing, poor economy plagues reservation. Don't miss the other two parts of the series posted so far. Part One: Intergenerational grief on Cheyenne River Indian Reservation; Part Two: Boarding schools, A black hole of Native American history
Here are some stories to read on Global Sisters Report:
- Pope Francis' words motivate sisters, others in Columbia ministries
- Sisters' small school in Kabul supports children with disabilities
- Start reading GSR Today, including this blog from staff writer Dawn Cherie Araujo: Misogyny-tinged racism surfaces online, even from professionals
Some national news from around the web:
- Kentucky clerk, citing God, defies courts on gay marriage
- California assisted suicide bill advances in special session
- Many 2016 presidential candidates have church-shopped
- Religion rarely a part of ICU conversation
- Kansas City group outraged after controversial priest moves into neighborhood
- How a Chicago priest became an unwitting civil rights figure
- Halle Berry, Catholic bishops lobby lawmakers on climate bill
- Girl's reaction to her first day of kindergarten in a Catholic school
Some international stories from around the web: