Religion News Service

By this Author

'Refusal to engage': Gen Z sees gap in support of LGBTQ+ rights among faith groups

Five years after his death, Leonard Cohen is more than ever a man for our times

A 'Catholic' diocese that values internet hierarchy over religious expertise

There are no African American saints. A lay Catholic group seeks to change that.

Get vaccinated, get a booster

LA archdiocese sues local school district in dispute over allocation of federal funds

Rashad Hussain confirmed as first Muslim US religious freedom ambassador

Second ‘George Floyd’ Pietà stolen from Catholic University

A child is coming to save us. Perhaps he'll remind us to do better by the children we have.

Public funding of religious schools is coming. The first lesson is compromise.

Thou shalt not share false witness

Someone is killing Republicans and Trump voters

After last year's COVID closures, pilgrimages resume to honor Virgin of Guadalupe

Pope Francis is asking the US bishops to listen to the people. Will they?

Happy New Year, it's Advent

Why Black artists are essential freedom fighters

New children's Bibles rethink how Christians share old, old story with young readers

Patriarch of Jerusalem's edict puts unity on Holy Land's Christmas in doubt

America sacramentalizes guns as God's gift to the good. This is heresy

In a podcast, two Jesuit priests document their ministry along the southern border

