Religion News Service

By this Author

Atheists lose latest legal fight over 'In God We Trust'

Clergy abuse victims are divided over Pope Francis' offer to meet

Who are the three bishops under Vatican review for sex abuse?

No date set for historic Vatican meeting of Israeli, Palestinian presidents

U.S. nuns haunted by dead Jesuit: the ghost of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Pope Francis eyes religious reconciliation on trip to Holy Land

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, former Vatican No. 2, denies financial wrongdoing

More Americans willing to vote for an atheist president

Cardinal seeks a truce in fight between U.S. nuns and Vatican’s doctrinal office

Satanism 101: The 'faith' behind the headlines

Pope Francis will take rabbi and Muslim leader with him to Holy Land

Christians condemn death penalty for Sudanese doctor accused of apostasy

Vatican says no movement (yet) on sainthood for Oscar Romero

Antonio Banderas may be cast as Pope Francis in biopic

Survey: One-quarter of the world harbors anti-Semitic sentiment

Holy Land Christians hope Pope Francis' visit might revive peace talks

Vatican threatens Jesuit theologian in India with censure

Notre Dame signals welcome to gay athletes in new campaign

Holy Land churches mount awareness campaign in wake of hate graffiti

Vatican calls for release of kidnapped Nigerian girls

