Religion News Service

By this Author

Prayer discount no longer on the menu at North Carolina diner

Pope sends envoy to Iraq to deliver message of support and aid embattled Christians

Islamic State accused of capturing Yazidi women and forcing them to convert, or else

Do new ordinations signal rising popularity of Latin Mass?

Vatican: Abandoned Down syndrome baby is victim of 'throwaway' culture

'Black Jesus' targeted as 'blasphemous' by conservative groups

Pope Benedict XVI OK'd abusive priest in Paraguay, local bishop says

Islamic extremists impose reign of terror on Iraq

No 'Francis effect' on Capitol Hill gridlock

Jesuits tell their alumni in Congress: Protect border children

More than 100 religious, immigration activists arrested at White House

SNAP's clergy abuse victims mark 25 years, eye new targets

Poll: More Italians support abortion rights than cosmetic surgery

Faith leaders testify in support of EPA's Clean Power Plan

Vatican intervenes to remove a priest in Paraguay accused of sex abuse in US

State Department report: Religious persecution makes migrants out of millions

Survey: Most Americans say U.S. should shelter, not rush to deport, child migrants

Pope Francis apologizes for persecution of Pentecostals

Rabbi David Saperstein tapped as first non-Christian to serve as U.S. ambassador for religious freedom

World War I at 100: New books examine the battle of beliefs behind the 'Great War'

