Religion News Service

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Pope Francis is naming new cardinals. Will any be American?

Dalai Lama says Pope Francis is unwilling to meet: 'It could cause problems'

Hey, Pope Francis, over here. No, over HERE ... US cities vie for pope's attention

Seven reasons some women wince when Pope Francis starts talking

Ending our nation's addiction to torture

Federal panel named for former inmate looks to reform prisons

Archbishop Justin Welby: 'There is a possibility that we will not hold together'

Is updated Band Aid charity song demeaning to Africans?

After Ferguson and Eric Garner decisions, white Christians say it's time to stand with blacks

Meet the pope’s astronomer, who says he’d baptize an alien if given the chance

Caught between two worlds, Israeli Druze struggle for equality amid rising tensions

1 in 3 Americans want a divorce between clergy and civil marriages

We’re awestruck about Earth, unsure about global warming

Faith leaders join consumer advocates to push for lower payday loan rates

Are Christian hashtags rallying the faithful or just luring trolls?

Brazilian bishop urges ordination of married community elders as priest shortage grows

Five reasons we want to believe Jesus was married

Archbishop Chaput: Pope's 2015 Philadelphia visit won't focus on hot-button sex issues

Sexual revolution is destroying families, Russell Moore tells Vatican conference

Church of England formally approves women bishops

