NCR Staff

By this Author

Your thoughts on author and speaker Matthew Kelly

Pope's quotes: Experience mercy

Pope's quotes: Persecution

Your thoughts on Catholic confusion, the continuing abuse crisis and more

Francis, the comic strip

Pope's quotes: Ecumenical work

Your thoughts on celibacy and the two popes

Pope's quotes: Heart of Mary

Your thoughts on the abortion debate

Text and video of Greta Thunberg at World Economic Forum

Pope's quotes: Give thanks

Your thoughts on NCR's 2019 Newsmaker of the Year, part two

Pope's quotes: Problems of life

Your thoughts on dismantling clericalism

Pope's quotes: Prayer of the rosary

Your thoughts on NCR's 2019 Newsmaker of the Year

Pope's quotes: Outbound journey

Your thoughts on synod listening sessions, Trump's deadly sins, elusive unity in Portland parish

Pope's quotes: Grace to have mercy

Your thoughts on eulogies at funerals

