Author photo of Nancy F. Castaldo

Nancy F. Castaldo

Nancy F. Castaldo has written award-winning books about our planet for over 20 years. She believes that we all can make a difference and always instills that theme in her books for adult and young readers. Her titles for young readers have garnered starred reviews, the Eureka Award for Nonfiction, the Green Earth Book, and Sigurd F. Olsen Nature Writing honors, and are on many reading lists. She has authored articles on nature for publications including Adirondack Magazine, Conservationist Magazine, Mother Earth News, and NRDC online. She has also served as a judge for the Rachel Carson Book Award. Along with two books for young readers focused on conservation optimism and set in the Hudson River Valley, there is a book for adult readers to release later this year — Squirrel: How a Backyard Forager Shapes Our World. For more insights into Nancy's work and her ongoing projects, visit You can also stay updated on her latest news and connect with her on BlueSky, X, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. 

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