Michael Sean Winters

Michael Sean Winters is the author of Left At the Altar: How Democrats Lost The Catholics And How Catholics Can Save The Democrats (Basic Books, 2008). His biography of the Rev. Jerry Falwell, God's Right Hand: How Jerry Falwell Made God a Republican and Baptized the American Right was published by Harper One in January 2012 to critical acclaim. 

By this Author

Kamala Harris is a good news/bad news VP pick

Fr. Jeremy Leatherby and the politico-theological complex

Links for 8/11/20

Abortion: Discuss, don't debate

Links for 7/30/20

The GOP's stimulus bill is flaccid and immoral

Links for 7/28/20

Who still stands with Viganò?

Will GOP officeholders go down with the Trump ship?

Links for 7/23/20

Unalienable rights are still unassailable despite Pompeo

Links for 7/21/20

Bishop McElroy's hopeful vision for a church transformed

Cardinal Dolan, George Weigel and the fraudulence of the neocon project

Links for 7/16/20

The Elizabeth Warren economic hymnal is in Biden's pew

Links for 7/14/20

Time for Biden to build a big tent

The Supreme Court is right. That's no excuse for the church to be wrong.

Links for 7/9/20
