Michael Sean Winters

Michael Sean Winters is the author of Left At the Altar: How Democrats Lost The Catholics And How Catholics Can Save The Democrats (Basic Books, 2008). His biography of the Rev. Jerry Falwell, God's Right Hand: How Jerry Falwell Made God a Republican and Baptized the American Right was published by Harper One in January 2012 to critical acclaim. 

By this Author

As AFL-CIO charts its future, alliance with Catholic Church is vital

National Catholic Bioethics Center still wishy-washy on vaccine mandates

Links: Trump and the Taliban; Ben and Jerry’s; and RIP Thomas Levergood

Haiti and Afghanistan: Twin tragedies demonstrate mystery of original sin

Links: Afghan 'arrangements'; a hopeful climate story; bring back Catholic labor schools

Traditional Latin Mass advocates prove Pope Francis was right to suppress the old rite

Infrastructure bill's passage a big win for Biden, a big loss for Trump

Links: Jennifer Hudson on Aretha Franklin; more Latin Mass; Rozanski on immigration

Catholic Bioethics Center chooses culture war over Catholicism

Links: Class warfare; 'common good' economics; Ivereigh on Biden and Communion

A tribute to Trumka, a Catholic whose work we must carry on

Pillar: Shoot for the stars and land in the gutter

Links: 'Know Your Enemy,' billionaire bribes and 'Latin Mass Hysteria'

Prosecution of Cardinal Becciu shows Francis' reforms will be hard to reverse

Links: Race in schools; China's map complaint; Republicans vs. public health

The Olympics are a mess, but we still love them

Why there is grace in barbecue, and why we should be gentle with the sins of others

Links: A Catholic history bible; Cincinnati's archbishop and President Biden

Time to put the 'catholic' back into the Catholic Church

Links: Attacks on Francis in Rockville Centre Diocese; how to combat misinformation
