Katie Collins Scott

Katie Collins Scott

Katie Collins Scott is a staff reporter for NCR. She covers the Catholic Church in the United States with an emphasis on social justice issues. Her stories have earned numerous honors, including from the Religion News Association and the Catholic Media Association, where she has received multiple writer of the year awards. Scott attended the University of Notre Dame and graduated from the University of Dallas with a degree in English. She lives in Portland, Oregon. Her email address is kcscott@ncronline.org. Follow her on Twitter at @KatieCScott.

By this Author

US Catholic bishops listen to transgender people in closed-door meeting

Parishes turn former convents into affordable housing for teachers

Journalist O'Loughlin named first executive director of national LGBTQ Catholic ministry

Mary Jo Tully, first laywoman chancellor of a US diocese, dies at 86

Portland archbishop bans Mass for rare Lutheran-Catholic ecumenical community

Retiring director of FutureChurch praised as woman of spirit, spunk, hope

Programs to address chronic homelessness need more funding, support, say advocates

Amid record chronic homelessness, advocates and experts say there is a solution

Portland archbishop forms evangelization-focused office to replace schools department

Large Catholic health care system engaged in union busting, union claims

New Iowa guidelines praised as a 'milestone' by LGBTQ Catholics and advocates

Catholic Church's response to abuse victims of color deficient, advocates say

Catholic clergy abuse survivors of color endure compounded trauma

Immigrant Texas priest named US synod delegate says church must prioritize marginalized

Cardinal Tobin, Newark Archdiocese back program to reduce opioid-related deaths

Portland Archdiocese says schools office closure not linked to gender document

Portland archbishop closes schools office amid gender document backlash

Did US bishops really listen to trans Catholics?

'Vile': Catholic advocates have harsh words for DeSantis after migrants flown to California

Food service workers at Loyola New Orleans win union, with student support
