Junno Arocho Esteves

By this Author

Pope: Authority is act of serving, not exploiting, others

Pope releases apostolic letter on sacred Scripture

Post-pandemic world must not return to selfish 'normality,' pope says

Church becomes sick when not proclaiming Gospel, pope says

Spanish bishops denounce euthanasia bill

Creation must be protected, not exploited, pope says at audience

Pope: Compassion for earth is vaccine against epidemic of indifference

World cannot remain indifferent to migration crisis, pope says

Vatican: Educational alliance needed to confront pandemic challenges

Common good, not greed, must motivate search for vaccine, pope says

New book recounts pope's vision for integral ecology

Economy must place people above 'idols of finance,' pope says

Viruses of corruption, injustice destructive as COVID-19, bishop says

Pope: Jubilee for the Earth a time for restoring bond with God, creation

Pope applauds initiatives ahead of world day of prayer for creation

Caritas warns of rise in human trafficking amid pandemic

Saintly caution: Church's reputation on the line when judging sanctity

Ahead of G-20 meeting, Caritas urges debt relief for poor countries

Pope 'saddened' by Turkish court ruling to turn Hagia Sophia into mosque

At Angelus, pope backs U.N. resolution calling for global cease-fire

