In Colby Gordon's first book, Glorious Bodies: Trans Theology and Renaissance Literature," the author's political theology implicates transphobia as a crucial underpinning of colonialism, white supremacy and Christian hegemony.
In April 1967, National Catholic Reporter published the secret recommendations of the papal birth control commission. The story was emblematic of how NCR revolutionized journalistic coverage of the Catholic Church.
In this NCR news report originally published Nov. 24, 1989, readers learn about the shocking massacre of Jesuit priests at the Central American University in San Salvador, which had occurred eight days earlier.
The following staff editorial was published four days before the general election of 1972, when Richard Nixon won his second term in a landslide. You'll notice continuity between the paper then and now.
The first-ever conference dedicated to the life of Catholic Worker co-founder Peter Maurin centered on the question of how his program can inspire us to "blow the dynamite" of the Gospel.
The new graphic novel on the life of Dorothy Day is the perfect medium to convey the nuance, power and multi-dimensionality of Day's legacy, writes Jeromiah Taylor.