Dan Stockman Dan Stockman is national correspondent for Global Sisters Report. He was a reporter at daily newspapers in Michigan, Illinois and Indiana for nearly two decades before joining GSR in 2014. By this Author Aug 16, 2014 Johnson to LCWR: Sisters ahead of hierarchy in living Vatican II renewal Aug 15, 2014 LCWR elects new leaders as assembly draws to a close Aug 15, 2014 LCWR members set sights on justice for indigenous peoples, environment Aug 15, 2014 LCWR assembly draws one demonstrator protesting handling of abuse Aug 15, 2014 LCWR speaker: 'We have become more faithful, not less' Aug 13, 2014 LCWR speakers: Failure to listen leads to judgment, cynicism, fear Aug 13, 2014 Catholic Health Association meets in closed-door session to discuss Affordable Care Act Aug 13, 2014 Sartain to LCWR assembly: I'm here 'as a brother and a friend' Aug 08, 2014 Stakes are high as LCWR heads into annual assembly Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3