Cindy Wooden

By this Author

Christians who reject all refugees are 'hypocrites,' pope says

Doctrinal congregation convokes meeting on role of women in the church

Pope highlights sanctity of life in Year of Mercy visits

Changing canon law, pope brings Latin and Eastern practices closer

Vatican: Abortion, attempted suicide always obstacles to ordination

Pope praises Argentine bishops' guidelines on helping divorced, remarried couples

Pope declines invitation to name rep to Colombia peace tribunals

Cardinal sees reason to hope for improved Vatican-Chinese relations

Pope leads 11,000 pilgrims praying rosary for quake victims

Vatican newspaper: 'Amoris Laetitia' is authoritative church teaching

Bishop, headed to Vatican, will miss 'beautiful people, culture' of Dallas

Pope: Mercy, pastoral care should guide research on life, family

Pope names Dallas bishop head of new office for laity, family, life

Pope prays for exploited women, Mary's intercession on feast of Assumption

On 'Mercy Friday,' pope visits women rescued from prostitution

Syrian refugees, pope reconnect over lunch at the Vatican

Pope praises witness of 10 athletes on Refugee Olympic Team

'Amoris Laetitia' at three months: Communion question still debated

Martyrs are witnesses of faith, not just victims of genocide, pope says

Too many couples do not understand marriage is for life, pope says

