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CDC urges continuation of public health rule that keeps out migrants

Black Elk wins Catholic leadership award from FADICA

Congo's bishops want an end to attacks on Catholic Church, its leaders

Hundreds march for voting rights, justice near US Capitol; 200 arrested

Vatican releases rules for online learning for ecclesiastical universities

Philippine bishop appeals for food for poor ahead of strict lockdown

Crises are signs that church is still alive, pope says

Venice should be a livable city, not a 'display case,' archbishop says

Catholic agencies among those helping resettle Afghan translators, interpreters

Immigration advocates voice disappointment in Biden's deterrence path

At Angelus, pope warns against using God, others for selfish aims

Guatemalan church leaders back growing protests

Two Catholic groups: No vaccine mandate without conscience protections

German bishop: Floods' mental health toll might be worse than property damage

Vaccine proof not needed for Mass in Italy, but required for some functions

World's oldest cardinal, biblical scholar Cardinal Vanhoye, dies at 98

As anniversaries approach, Japan's bishops call for prohibition of nukes

Boston Globe: Police charge McCarrick with assault in case dating to 1970s

Nicaragua's crisis 'is reaching flashpoint,' says witness at Hill hearing

Bad blood: Rivalry between cardinal, aide returns at Vatican property trial
