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Pope: Interreligious cooperation needed to tackle threats to people, planet

Belgian bishop asks pope to withdraw cardinal appointment

As DACA marks 10th anniversary, recipients voice frustration over inaction

Peter's Pence donations stable in 2021; US leads giving, Vatican says

Cardinal-designate calls liturgical tensions a 'tragedy'

Biden names Schneck, former CUA professor, to religious freedom commission

Pope adds preliminary step for creating diocesan religious orders

Vatican releases suggestions for lengthier, revamped marriage preparation

Hemispheric summit ends with immigration deal among countries

Superpowers at war add to the world's poor, pope says in message

Canadian lawyer sworn in as leader of Knights of Malta

Pope names US Jesuit to be rector of Gregorian University in Rome

Vatican financial watchdog reports on its 2021 activities

Catholic leaders speak out against Arizona executions

Charter's 20th anniversary calls for 'continued vigilance,' archbishop says

Panel: Gun violence is pro-life issue that sensible gun laws must address

Catholic environmental activists in Africa take a day to clean the earth

Pope praises wrinkles, criticizes obsession with looking 'forever young'

100 days of war: Ukrainian leader reflects on the pope, hope, solidarity

Fra' Marco Luzzago, Knights of Malta head, dies at 71
