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Is capitalism Catholic? A priest defends free-market economics

Vatican praises new UN status for Palestine, urges full sovereignty

New York Archdiocese announces 26 schools 'at risk of closure'

Catholic teen uses musical talent to help motivate kids to save planet

MP3 players loaded with spiritual material reach thousands of soldiers

New bishop of troubled Irish diocese says abuse victims to be priority

Court clears path for health lawsuit; Bible publisher wins injunction

Catholic high school band relishes chance to perform in Macy's parade

Syrian refugees who fled fighting live in limbo in neighboring Turkey

Boston 'parish collaboratives' seen as best use for limited resources

Australian prelates welcome investigation into child abuse cases

Bishops to reorganize communications, hire director

Layman says full-time position in Hispanic ministry a dream come true

Archbishop joins voices urging Obama to 'seize moment' on immigration

Eastern Catholics explain tradition, value of married priests

Bishops agree on need for better preaching, more penance

US bishops consider first new preaching document in 30 years

Archbishop says US church must 'redouble' efforts on marriage issue

Visiting elderly, pope says 'it's wonderful being old'

New study shows church can tap into large Catholic online presence
