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Philippine bishop seeks Holy Week cease-fire in southern province

Vatican DVDs let everyone see things even most serious tourists don't

Vatican was not ordered to appear before U.N. committee, spokesman says

Priests on front line in Italy's battle against Mafias

Promotion of family life, fertility urged as answer to aging population

South Sudan church leaders urge serious talks to end country's violence

Killings at Jewish community center mourned; Catholic woman among dead

Health care must protect everyone, 'born and unborn,' say bishops

Indian sisters nurture hope, reconciliation in teeming South Sudan camp

Pope: During Holy Week, ask which Gospel character you resemble

Pope names woman president to papal academy, confirms papal liturgist

Faith leads young man with cancer to resolve to live life to the utmost

Set to music: Archbishop Romero's story against backdrop of civil war

'The devil exists' and doesn't want you to follow Jesus, pope warns

Chicago cardinal resumes chemo, won't travel to Rome for canonizations

Cardinal Emmanuel-Karim Delly, retired Chaldean patriarch, dies at 86

USCCB releases resource guide on Girl Scouts for Catholic parishes

Diocesan tech staffs have concerns about end of Windows XP support

Catholic convent, Maronite village latest targets of vandals in Israel

Pope: Take up God's offer to face life's problems with his love, wisdom
