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Bishops see new perspective on Middle East after Holy Land pilgrimage

USCCB president aims to meet with Obama, congressional leaders

Mail balloting needed to determine vote on diocesan assessment increase

Minority communities wonder why Iraqi government fails to protect them

Encourage more Latino students to attend Catholic schools, bishops told

Pope urges G-20 focus on helping the poor, says 'lives are at stake'

For 40 years, pastoral letters focus on sustaining Appalachian culture

Liberation theology rooted in Bible, Christ, Father Gutierrez says

Vatican court finds no proof of abuse claims against Los Angeles priest

Philadelphia officially opens World Meeting of Families registration

New Vatican financial rules increase transparency, centralization

Pope removes Cardinal Burke from Vatican post

Pope urges religious to wage war on 'terrorism of gossip'

Senator: Even in new Congress, some policies can get bipartisan backing

Müller to USCCB: Catholics must be heard in public square

Cardinal Turkson discusses meaning of 'vocation to agriculture'

Plan to expand mountaintop mine heightens residents' flooding concerns

Pope will visit Shroud of Turin, commemorate birth of St. John Bosco

Pope: Bishops must be servants, not vain careerists after power, honor

Pope says annulment process should be cheaper and more efficient
