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Philippine lawmakers pledge to block proposed divorce law

Pope Francis' visit to Turin will highlight shroud, young people, marginalized

Masked gunmen fire on police guarding Catholic church in Pakistan

Canadian court rules Jesuit school can teach from Catholic perspective

Nuncio: World leaders must recognize human dignity begins at conception

Vatican statistics show modest, steady church growth worldwide

Papal aide organizes special Sistine Chapel tour for homeless people

Nigerian bishops visit refugees in Cameroon who fled Boko Haram

Blood of Naples' patron liquefies during Pope Francis' visit to cathedral

San Francisco archbishop's account of Oscar Romero's funeral

Despite low Catholic marriage numbers, some see trend turning around

Pope Francis erects diocese of Nogales, Mexico, just south of U.S.

Not just pretty pictures: church art is catechetical storybook of faith

Pope Francis calls death penalty 'unacceptable,' urges abolition

Pope Francis accepts Scotland cardinal's decision to renounce duties, rights of office

British traditionalist bishop is excommunicated for illicit ordination

Catholic advocates push Congress for a budget that protects poor people

United Nations says Pope Francis will visit morning of Sept. 25

Pope Francis recognizes miracle needed to declare French couple saints

Wyoming college says declining federal funds protects Catholic identity
