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Pope suggests Lenten exercise of asking God why he weeps

Loving families are central to bringing joy, mercy to world, pope says

U.S. Supreme Court examines pension plans of religious hospitals

Florida bishop concerned US won't meet carbon emission goals after Trump order

Vatican official praises Detroit Archdiocese for response to immigrants

Pay close attention to pope's words and actions, papal nuncio says

Congo's bishops give up on peace mediation

Homeboy Industries founder to receive Notre Dame's Laetare Medal

Religiously affiliated hospital pensions at the center of Supreme Court case

No date yet for Blessed Romero canonization, archbishop says

After 'intense debate,' Hawaii lawmakers vote to defer suicide bill

Mexican bishop who speaks out faces criticism from state officials

Mexican archdiocese: Companies that work on border wall are 'traitors'

Deluges in Peru trigger flash floods, landslides; at least 85 dead

At 50, 'Populorum Progressio' takes on new life through Pope Francis

Encyclical's influence on church's social action work continues

Democrats in Senate plan to filibuster Gorsuch's nomination

Pope recognizes miracle attributed to Fatima visionaries

Cardinal Keeler, retired archbishop of Baltimore, dies at 86

World needs those who can bring God's hope, consolation, pope says
